Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Please mark your calendar for our annual Open House, which will be held on Thursday, September 9, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. Open House is a time for parents, grandparents, and other family members to visit the school and see the classroom. Students are invited, too, however please remind your child/children that this is not "play time". Children generally enjoy giving their families a tour of the school and classroom. I will make a presentation regarding the curriculum, testing, report cards, field trips, class parties, parent volunteers, and other important topics.

Friday, July 23, 2010


Our kindergarten orientation will take place on Friday, August 20, 2010 at 1:00 p.m. This is a time when students and their families will meet the teacher and see the classroom for the first time. Important beginning of the year information is given during orientation, including lunch information and procedures for student arrival and dismissal. Because we have more than 600 young children, on a very busy corner, safety is of the utmost importance. We have very specific arrival and dismissal procedures, about which you will want to learn. Please try to attend if you can. Children are welcome and invited to attend orentation, but please remember that this is not "play time".
Kindergarten 2010-2011 Supply List
Backpack without wheels
(Backpacks with wheels don't fit in our cubbies and are dangerous in the hallways. Can you imagine 600 children with rolling backpacks in our hallways?)
1 ream of white copy paper
3 boxes of 8 pk. skinny classic color crayons

(no glitter or flourescent colors, please)
2 boxes of #2 (skinny pencils)
Package of 6 glue sticks
1 bottle of hand sanitizer
1 bottle of hand soap

Box of 200 facial tissues
Boys bring 1 box of gallon size zip lock bags
Girls bring 1 box of sandwich zip lock bags.

Folders with 3 prongs and pockets are on the kindergarten supply list.

We DON'T need these in our classroom. INSTEAD please bring
2 plastic folders with pockets only. They may be any solid color.

Do not label folders, pencils, crayons, tissues, soap, hand sanitizer, or any other school supplies. The only thing you need to label with your child's name is his/her backpack and lunch box. Most safety experts recommend writing your child's name INSIDE his/her backpack and NOT on the outside.

You will have filled out many forms when you registered your kindergartner for school. Additional forms will be sent home on the first day of school, and you will notice that some are the same forms. Please fill out these forms, as well. This provides us with one copy for the office and another copy for the classroom. Thank you for your help with this.