Tuesday, April 26, 2011

We learn about pet care

In preparation for our field trip to the Jacksonville Zoo, we have been learning about many different types of animals. Ms. Parker, a representative from Duval County's Animal Care and Protection, came to visit on Tuesday, April 26th. Our class joined Ms. Hawas' class in their classroom for the visit. Ms. Parker brought her dog, Maggie, a four-year-old rottweiler. Ms. Parker talked with the children about what pets need: food, water, exercise, medical care, and love/attention. Our students enjoyed petting Maggie, as you might imagine.

Thursday, April 21, 2011


On Thursday, April 21st, our class had an Easter Egg Hunt. There were more than 200 eggs, and each egg had a name written on it. Students were only allowed to pick up eggs with their own name. The children were encouraged to help their friends find their eggs, too. Our egg hunt was not about who can get the most eggs, but rather it was about the students helping their classmates find eggs. Thank you to all the parents who sent in plastic eggs, candy, and Easter baskets. Thank you to Mrs. Akins and Mrs. Molina, who stuffed the eggs and wrote names on the eggs. Thank you to Mrs. Akins, who provided cupcakes and juice boxes for all the students.

Our seeds have grown !

Our students planted green bean seeds on Monday, April 11th. On Friday, April 15th, about 25% of the plants were sprouting. When we returned to school on Monday, April 18th, our bean plants were 5-6 inches tall! They grew so fast - it must have been the "Miracle Gro" potting soil, huh? The children were delighted to see their seeds grow so quickly. Students took their bean plants home on Thursday, April 21st.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches

Our final food project for Functional Writing was on Tuesday, April 12, 2011, when students made peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. First we got two pieces of bread, then, we put peanut butter on one slice and jelly on the other. Next, we put the two pieces of bread together, and last, we ate the sandwiches. (Some children put their sandwiches in a ziplock bag to take home, since it was right after lunch and they weren't hungry.) After making the sandwiches, students went to their "Work Spaces" and wrote out the directions for making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Mom and Dad, if you don't have time to make lunch, your child is now able to make his/her own sandwich. Perhaps he/she will even make one for you!

Planting Bean Seeds

On Monday, April 11, 2011, students in our class planted bean seeds. In Science, the children are learning about living and nonliving things, as well as plants and animals. Part of our study of plants will include observing our bean seeds as they grow, and recording their growth in our Science Journals. Each student planted three bean seeds in a pot. They will bring them home in a few weeks.

Fruit Salad

On Friday, April 8, 2011, we read Fruit Salad by Andrea Butler. This book gives directions on how to make a fruit salad. We followed the directions to make our own fruit salad, then ate it. Following this, students wrote their own directions on how to make fruit salad. Our recipe included apples, oranges, bananas, cherries, pineapple, and strawberries. Every student in our class ate their fruit salad!

Flag Raising

Did you know that we have a Flag Raising once a month? The entire school gathers together around the flag pole in the courtyard. We say the Pledge of Allegiance, observe a moment of silence, and say the school conduct pledge. Announcements are made, patriotic songs are sung, and sometimes we have special visitors. These photos are from our Flag Raising on Friday, April 8, 2011. Its quite a sight to see more than six hundred small children all reciting the Pledge of Allegiance!

Thursday, April 7, 2011


Pizza Hut's "BOOK IT" program ended in March. The following students earned free pizzas for reading ten books at home each month - Austin (5 pizzas), Christopher (1 pizza), Ethan (5 pizzas), Jakob (4 pizzas), Jheleen (1 pizza), Rory (2 pizzas), Sara (4 pizzas) and Shawn (2 pizzas). In case you were adding those up, the children in our class earned 24 free pizzas from October through March. Mrs. Doiron wishes that adults could earn free pizza for reading books, too, don't you? THANK YOU TO PIZZA HUT FOR SPONSORING THIS GREAT READING INCENTIVE !!!!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

A Scrumptious Sundae

We are continuing to practice Functional Writing. On Wednesday, April 6th, we read the book A Scrumptious Sundae by Andrea Butler. This is a level B book, so the children can read it themselves. After reading the book, we followed the directions to make our own scrumptious sundaes, with vanilla ice cream, chocolate sauce, whipped cream, nuts, cherries, and candy sprinkles. Then we ate the sundaes and wrote our own directions for how to make an ice cream sundae. Ask your child to tell you the directions for making an ice cream sundae. They really were scrumptious!

Have you noticed children sitting on rubber balls in these photographs? Mrs. Doiron saw a report on the TV news about elementary school students who sat on rubber stability (exercise) balls rather than traditional chairs. Some teachers feel that their students sit up straighter and don't slouch so much when they sit on a rubber ball. Mrs. Doiron knows some adults who sit on exercise balls at their desks, too. We have three stability balls and the children enjoy sitting on them. We are just trying it out for know, but who knows...

Monday, April 4, 2011

How to Make a Salad

During the month of April, we are revisiting Functional Writing. Functional Writing is the kind of writing we do every day - directions for babysitters, how to get to someone's house, recipes, and so forth. On Monday, April 4th, we read the book How to Make a Salad by Michele Perreault. This is an "A" level book, so all the children in our class can read it. During Writer's Workshop, we listened to the book and reviewed the steps to make a salad. Then the students gathered around the table and watched while Mrs. Doiron followed these steps to make a real salad. First, we cut up the red bell pepper. Then, we cut up the cucumbers. Next, we put in the lettuce and tossed the salad. Then, Mrs. Doiron served the salad and a parent volunteer added Ranch dressing. Finally, we ate the salad. After eating our salad, students went to their Work Spaces and wrote their own directions for how to make a salad, based upon their experience of watching Mrs. Doiron make salad. Please note that students were not forced to eat salad, however most of them did!