Saturday, December 22, 2012


Thank you so much to all of you who sent in food
and other items for our Holiday Party!  The children
all had a wonderful time eating "party food".

A BIG thank you to Mrs. Fitzgerald, Mrs. McDaniel, Mrs. Perez, and Mrs. Rivera, who came to school to help out with the party. 
We couldn't have done it without you!

The Polar Express

Our students listened to The Polar Express by Chris Van Allsburg several times, in preparation for watching the movie on
Friday, December 14th.  After talking about the story -
characters, setting, and sequence of events - students sequenced pictures from the story to practice retelling it.
You can hear The Polar Express again by watching

Describing measurable attributes

In December, our students described measurable attributes of objects, such as length.  
The boys and girls made cube trains with snap cubes, then ordered them by length. 
Students practiced describing their cube trains
as shorter, shortest, longer, or longest. 
What do you think of our cube trains?

Okay, some of us are over-achievers ... 

Monday, December 10, 2012

Free pizza

These students each earned a free Personal Pan Pizza from Pizza Hut's BOOK-IT program, by reading (or listening to) ten books during the month of November.  (A couple of other students also earned a pizza after this photo was taken.)  Don't forget to help your child fill out his/her form for free pizza for the month of December.

Sorting in Math

Measurement and Data
Classify objects and count the number of objects in each category.

groups of animals

group of orange things

group of vehicles

group of food

group of jets

group of green things

sorting by colors

sorting by shapes

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

How Reading Makes You Happy

(I just read this article in the December 2012 issue of "Reader's Digest",
and wanted to share it with you.)

How Reading Makes You Happy
Spending Time with a story can encourage positive thinking
and fortify friendships
by Jessica Cassity

"Great reads have great potential to spark imagination and absorb a person in another world," says Raymond A. Mar, associate professor of psychology at York University in Toronto.  And these mental-health benefits may even last beyond the final chapter.
Stories provide life-changing perspective, say York University researchers.  Getting wrapped up in the lives of characters strengthens your ability to understand others' feelings.  Seeing the world through the eyes of Jane Eyre*, for example, may make it easier for you to relate to your sister-in-law's viewpoint.
When you identify with characters in a book, you experience a kind
of real-life relationship that can enhance your sense of inclusion, say psychologists at the University at Buffalo.  In other words, reading
Marley & Me may increase camaraderie with dog owners in the park.
A happy ending can lift your spirits, but novels may drum up positive feelings in more subtle ways too.  Even minor events in the narrative may unearth warm memories and brighten your day.  Does the lead character attend a beach barbeque?  You'll likely reminisce about a sand-and-surf party you attended.
Reading about someone who overcame obstacles may motivate you to meet your own goals, found a recent Ohio State University study.  If you'd like a raise, following a character into the boss's office may give you the courage to make the same request.  The more you identify with the character and experience the events as if they were happening to you, the more likely you'll be to take action.

*By the way, Jane Eyre is one of Mrs. Doiron's favorite book characters!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

How to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich

Functional Writing is the kind of writing we all do every day: grocery lists, "To do" lists, notes for the babysitter, directions for how to get somewhere, and recipes.  In order for our students to write the directions for how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, Mrs. Doiron brought the ingredients to school, and students actually made their own sandwiches.
We used mini-sized "Sandwich Thins",
creamy peanut butter, and grape jelly.

 Students spread peanut butter on one side and jelly on the other side.

Our young chefs were careful not to make a mess!

Mrs. Doiron doesn't make the children eat anything they don't want to eat,
so it was just fine to make a peanut butter without jelly sandwich. 
(In fact, Mrs. Doiron doesn't like jelly either.)

After spreading the peanut butter and jelly with plastic knives,
students put the two sides together to create the sandwich.

Mmmm, they were yummy!
When we were done making and eating the sandwiches,
our students wrote the steps they would need to follow in order
to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. 
Perhaps your child can help you write and follow some recipes at home.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Being Helpful

We are working hard to become a "School Family"
and have spent quite a bit of time talking about how to be HELPFUL.
Mrs. Doiron is sneeking around taking photos of her students being helpful.
These pictures are placed on a poster in the classroom,
but we thought you would like to see them, too.
Helping a friend button her coat

Tying a friend's shoe

Giving a friend a pencil when she had none

Straightening up the hallway books

Putting a friend's pillow away

Pushing a friend on the swing

Tying a friend's shoe

Picking up trash on the playground

Monday, November 5, 2012

First Quarter Awards

Congratulations to these students! 
They were recognized during the afternoon of
Monday, November 5, 2012, for their First Quarter Awards.
"E" Honor Roll and "E/S+" Honor Roll

Outstanding Conduct

Perfect Attendance
(A fifth student had to leave early and isn't in this photo.)

Sunday, November 4, 2012


These five students each earned a free Personal Pan Pizza from Pizza Hut, as a part of their BOOK-IT! program, for the month of October. 
Remember that each month your child will bring home a form where you are requested to write down the names of ten books read to your child during the month.  (This can also be books your child reads to  you!) 
Return this form at the end of each month, and your youngster will
receive a coupon for that free Personal Pan Pizza. 
Please note that BOOK-IT! ends at the end of March 2013.

Is your child on a team?

If your child is on a team (soccer, basketball, football, T-ball) please give Mrs. Doiron a copy of the game schedule and she will try to come to a game.  It's fun for her to see our students in a different setting.

Mrs. Doiron with a young baseball player.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Pumpkin Carving

On Halloween, we carved a pumpkin.  Mrs. Doiron wielded the knife, and the students pulled the "guts" and seeds out of the pumpkin, and separated them.  Later, Mrs. Doiron washed the seeds, salted them, and toasted them in a toaster oven.  Yummy !!