Thursday, February 3, 2011


Thursday, February 3, 2010, was the 100th day of school. Students in our class have been counting up to this day since the first day of school back in August! At Merrill Road Elementary School, students and teachers were encouraged to dress up for the day. Our first photo shows Mrs. Doiron with the children who dressed up especially for the day. In the second photo, you can see the shirt worn by one of our students. Thanks to those of you who assisted your child in preparing a special outfit to wear to school! Everything we did on February 3rd involved the number 100. Students placed 100 star stickers on a page. They counted 100 Cheerios and strung them on a string to make a necklace. Some students counted their Cheerios in ten groups of ten, others counted their Cheerios in five groups of twenty. We read several stories about the 100th day of school, including Fluffy's 100th Day at School by Kate McMullan. Students wrote about this story, focusing on something that Fluffy did in the story. (Fluffy is a guinea pig.) The photo above shows Nayeli's writing and artwork. Students also made a crown / headband out of paper. Students colored and cut out school buses, and glued them on paper, counting in tens (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100). At the end of the day, we had our long-awaited "100th DAY PARTY". We invited Ms. Hawas and Ms. Turner's kindergarten classes to the party. We served 100 (small) cupcakes, 100 cookies, 100 (small) cups of juice, 100 pieces of popcorn, 100 grapes, and 100 baby carrots. One of Ms. Turner's students asked, "Do we have 110 friends at this party?" We only had about 46 students, but it was fun anyway. Thank you so much to Maria Barrera, who volunteered in our classroom during the day. Thank you to Ancelma Molina who helped us at the party. What a wonderful day it was !!!
P.S. Austin Smith won the award for the "Best Dressed" kindergarten boy. Congratulations to Austin and his parents !!!

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