Thursday, September 27, 2012


 During the week of September 24th, we continued our unit on
The Practice of Science.  Our students were introduced to balances,
an instrument to help us learn which of two things is heavier,
lighter, or the same weight.  Our students compared classroom objects, such as scissors and eraser, glue stick and pencil, and scissors and glue stick.


Then we went outside to our Outdoor Learning Area
(outside, across the hallway from the cafeteria). 
Students gathered pine cones, little sticks and rocks, leaves,
and pine straw.  They used the balances to test their ideas about
which items would be heavier, lighter, or the same.

Finally, we came back inside to record our observations
in our Science Journals.

(Notice the balance with the red and yellow cups.)

(Notice the blue "see saw" type of balances)
(Those are ants on the sidewalk near the blue balance!)

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