Saturday, September 28, 2013

What's In The Kitchen?

While learning about our five senses, students did an exploration about four white powders we probably all have in our kitchens.  (On their paper plates, they had flour, powdered sugar, salt, and sugar.)  Students used their senses to look at these powders, and even used the magnifying glasses (hand lenses) to look at them even closer.  

When they realized that their sight alone wouldn't help them to identify the substances, they thought about which other senses they could use.  They smelled the powders - no help.  They listened to the powders - no help, They touched the powders, which helped somewhat.  Two of them felt the same (salt and sugar) but the other two felt more powdery.  Finally, students determined that they would have to taste the substances.  Mrs. Doiron had assured them that these things are in our kitchens and they are safe to taste.

After tasting the powders, students were able to identify them as flour, salt, and sugar.  The powdered sugar was harder to identify - Some of our students thought it was frosting, so Mrs. Doiron explained that frosting is made out of powdered sugar.  The children glued pictures in their Interactive Science Journals to show this exploration.

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