Monday, January 20, 2014

Learning About Poetry

During the week of January 6-10, 2014, our students learned about poetry.  The two important things students were asked to remember are: 1) Poetry can have rhyming words, and 2) Poetry can have stanzas.  Our students were also expected to know the difference between poetry and stories.  Here is an example of a question our students were asked, "Which is a poem?  "Goldilocks and the Three Bears" or "Hickory Dickory Dock"?

 Did you know that our students have Poetry Books?  The children receive several new poems each month.  We use these poems to practice identifying the difference between letters and words, practice reading, and practice comprehension skills.  Students might circle or highlight the words they can read.  They may also color the illustrations.  They will bring their Poetry Books home when kindergarten is over in June.

 This student has highlighted sight words which he/she can read.

 This poem has two stanzas.  Notice how this student highlighted the sight words he/she can read.

  This poem has only one stanza.

This poem has two stanzas.

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