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Friday, March 8, 2013

Third Quarter Student Expectations

Merrill Road Elementary School  ~ Third Quarter Expectations for Kindergarten 2012-2013

Based on the Common Core State Standards

Names capital letters
Names lowercase letters
Makes sounds for capital letters
Makes sounds for lowercase letters
Identifies initial sounds in words
Blends one syllable words
Segments one syllable words
Reads sight words without hesitation:                                                                                                                            I, see, a, the, can, we, you, my, like, to, and, it, is, play, on, in, me, yes, no, go, at, am, an, she, he
Reads short “a” CVC words
Reads short “e” CVC words
Reads short “o” CVC words
Produces rhyming words
Discusses books with others (characters, setting, sequence of events, predictions, etc.)
Actively engages in group reading activities with purpose and understanding
Draws/Writes the beginning, middle, and ending of a story
Uses reading strategies effectively
      Participates in shared writing projects
      Writes capital and lowercase letters with correct size and form
      Uses phonetic spelling
     Writing shows evidence of spacing
Narrative Writing
      Generates own narrative topic
      Writes a narrative story
      Includes a detailed picture that supports the story
Report Writing
     Generates own topic for a report
     Writes a report which is focused on the topic
     Writes at least two facts about the topic
     Includes a detailed picture that supports the writing
Persuasive Writing
     Generates own persuasive topic
     Writes a persuasive piece designed to convince someone of something
     Includes a detailed picture that supports the argument
Speaking and Listening
Confirms understanding of a text read aloud by answering questions about key details
Describes familiar people, places, things, and events.

Counts orally up to 75
Names numerals 0-20
Places numbers in order from 0-20
Counts by tens up to 100
Counts forward from a given number
Matches numerals with groups of objects, 0-20
Given a number, 0-20, count out that many objects
Composes and decomposes numbers, 11-19, into ten ones and some more ones
Writes numerals 0-20 with correct size and form
Names two-dimensional shapes – circle, hexagon, rectangle, square, triangle
Names three-dimensional shapes – cone, cube, cylinder, sphere
Identifies shapes as two-dimensional or three-dimensional
Compose simple shapes to form larger shapes
Draws shapes – circle, rectangle, square, triangle
Builds shapes from components
Describes objects in the environment using names of shapes
Describes the relative positions of objects using positional terms,
       such as above, below, beside, in front of, behind, and next to

Social Growth & Development
Follows class rules
Respects the rights of others
Uses acceptable work habits
Takes care of personal and school property
Works well in cooperative group activities
Listens to and follows directions

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